The Tea Time Together™ Story

As a homeschool mom with two daughters, I know it's important to educate on the "serious" subjects like math, science, and language arts. But I have to confess, it never quite matched a certain vision I had of homeschooling: gathering around a table with my children and savoring what Charlotte Mason referred to as "the riches": art, music, poetry.

In many ways, I saw these subjects as the best part of homeschool... but somehow we would never get to them! Or if we did, they would be rushed - yet another subject to "get through" - and that's no way to enjoy these beautiful subjects. I began to think my "homeschool vision" was just wishful2023 thinking, and that just wasn't how homeschool worked in reality.

I had always loved the idea of "tea time" as a way to slow down, to be fully present, and enjoy each other's company. Two years ago, I began to experiment with using a weekly tea time as an opportunity to explore and savor those elusive subjects of art, music, and poetry. And while it took some refining, and quite a bit of weekly research and preparation, tea time became the answer to my prayers - and something our family pitched in to create!  Aria has strong opinions about the content of the guides and spends hours looking through art books to pick her favorites; Alessandra is our master baker and can be found most afternoons trying out recipes in the kitchen, Rob is the wordsmith and I pull together all of the technical and marketing pieces.  Tea Time Together™ is truly a family project.

It is a wonderful way to explore some of humanity's most beautiful artistic achievements, and a time to spark all of our (not just my children!) imaginations, our curiosity, and our sense of wonder.

Ms. Mason said one of our most important jobs as parents is “the cultivation appreciate, to enjoy, whatever is just, true, and beautiful”. I hope Tea Time Together helps you and your family on this journey, and makes it easy, fun, and lovely!

From our family to yours,
Juliet Pyles (and Alessandra, Aria & Rob)
